Chopping board

Where'd you find them?

Just when you thought you were following the makers of the best food, coffee, knives, ceramics, and accessories,

along comes kaiten logo


Products and makers we're enjoing right now

Rish Lakish

Organic Olive Oil

Spread out between ancient archaeological sites in northern Israel are 6,000 olive trees dating as far back as 1,400 years. Over the course of four decades the Noy Meir family have carefully restored these trees and with precise harvesting methods produce a pure olive oil rich in history and flavor.

Table with seat pulled up

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About Kaiten
Kaiten is a platform where food lovers can connect with culinary artisans. We offer hand-picked products crafted by makers from various regions, serving their distinctive touch to the Kaiten community. We believe that the positive and sustainable path of the evolving industry we love, relies on the genuine connections we build between quality and community.
There are more great makers than ever
From private dinners at a vineyard to delicious hot sauces for home, more people are creating businesses the revolve around creating dining experiences.
Kaiten is a team of restauranteurs, food photographers, writers and just people who adore the industry and the people in it. We’re building Kaiten to protect and grow the industry we love.
The Challenge
The Challenge
The restaurant business model is dying. Already low profits are disppearing as labor costs, food costs and rent go up.
Table with seat pulled up

A dose of delight
for your everyday

Good food is not just for special occassioan. Use Kaiten to findways to make more moments in you life a culinary joy.